VIDA is harnessing the power of the Internet and digital printing to democratize art through fashion. VIDA keeps prices low by cutting middle men out of the supply chain and holding little inventory

Traditional fabric printing requires months of set up time and minimum order of at least a few thousand yards. With Digital Fabric Printing, we can print unique designs on fabric at scale really quickly.

VIDA connects artists with craftspeople and manufacturers to source and design products. The company launches with a selection of scarves and tops with designs from global designers. The use of direct-to-fabric digital printing enables VIDA to produce one-of-a-kind items at scale.

VIDA is... bringing real-world benefits to the people working on its products. VIDA goes beyond monetary compensation; scarf-makers in Karachi, Pakistan, for instance, earn literacy classes...

The startup chose a pretty good time to launch. With the holidays right around the corner, a $40 scarf is one of the more no-brainer gifts out there. And if it's doing some good in the world, all the better.

[VIDA] shopper is someone who is well traveled, she's inquisitive, she's thoughtful, [and] every product she brings into her life, she's mindful of how it was made.

There are about a million people graduating from design schools every year, yet they don't have access to manufacturing and they don't have the ability to produce their products...I wanted to use technology to build a platform where we can connect designers and producers and consumers.

I also couldn’t get out of my mind the huge footprint the textile industry has… hundreds of millions of people [in countries like Pakistan] are building the industry with their hands and are struggling to get out of the cycle of poverty. Education, in contrast to charity, is empowering. It gives people a voice in their communities and the ability to create a better future for themselves and their families.

We are using innovations in design and technology to collapse the distances between designers, artists and producers from around the globe. We are turning commerce on its head and reimagining the industry for the thoughtful, global citizens of the modern world.

VIDA brings global consciousness and an impeccable sense of taste to style-seekers through carefully selected artistic partnerships and luxurious, responsibly produced clothing and accessories—starting with a line of tops and scarves.

VIDA connects artists with craftspeople and manufacturers to source and design products. The company launches with a selection of scarves and tops with designs from global designers. The use of direct-to-fabric digital printing enables VIDA to produce one-of-a-kind items at scale.